So, I have finished all of the research that I can do!! What I am thinking about doing next is following some advice that was actually posted on one of my earlier posts; creating a facebook page. This facebook page will not only include all of the key research that I have gathered, but also why I started this whole process(20 Time and my mom) and a poll that will be at the top of the page for anyone that wants to vote on an opt out or an opt in system. It will also be a public page, meaning that anyone and everyone from around the world will be able to view it and share their views on the page. I look forward to making that soon!
Now Back to this blog. Since I have created one of my static pages, donors + recipients, I am still having a difficult time trying to find people in the area that have either been an organ donor or recipient. In trying to remedy this situation, I have recently sent an email to a Stanford organ surgeon asking if I could interview some of his patients. Now, that may not turn out to be very helpful because there is doctor to patient confidentiality that he must adhere to, but I am hoping for the best. If that does not work I hope to find another way to find the people that I am looking for.